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Home Introductory Physics I Review Problems for Intro Physics I Self-Guided Learning Problems 1 Introductory Physics II Review Problems for Intro Physics II Self-Guided Learning Problems 2
One Page Math Review Mathematics for Introductory Physics Coping With Academic Anxiety and Stress Equations du Jour (Old Intro Physics II) Introductory Physics III
Videos of Physics 53 Lectures Physics 231: Mathematical Methods for Physics Classical Electrodynamics Identities for Electrodynamics Contact About

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Review Guide and Problems for Introductory Physics II

Robert G. Brown
Duke University Physics Department
Durham, NC 27708-0305
Copyright Robert G. Brown, 2024


Review Guide and Problems for Introductory Physics II is a collection of problems that have been given as quiz questions, hour exam question, final exam questions, or homework in various physics classes of years past.

The content that they cover corresponds to that covered in Introductory Physics II, an online textbook also found on this website. It is basically introductory Electricity and Magnetism, plus introductory Optics (as a natural extension of Electricity and Magnetism, given that light is an electromagnetic wave).

At Duke the course numbers they embrace include 42, 54 and 64. At other schools the numbering will be different and the usefulness of the problems will need to be determined by looking them (and the associated textbook) over.

These problems are made openly and freely available to all students or instructors of physics at Duke or elsewhere subject to the conditions in the Open Publication License contained in the document itself. Basically this prohibits reselling any portion of the document for a profit (without arranging to give me some) and has a suggestion for how truly ethical students or instructors can make a small contribution to my physical well-being if the spirit so moves them.


Document TypeSize (K)Last Modified
intro_physics_2_review/intro_physics_2_review.pdf 1394
intro_physics_2_review/intro_physics_2_review.ps 3904
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The documents linked from this page are all provided under a modified Gnu License appropriate for the document type (OPL for text, GPL for software/source). Please read the relevant license(s) before redistributing the document(s) in any form -- an explicit agreement with the author is required for certain kinds of for-profit redistributions. In all cases the license makes the documents generally available for unlimited personal use and non-profit distributions (for example, linking or posting copies on a website, distributing paper copies to a class for free or at cost).

The author cherishes feedback. If you like or dislike the document(s) and would like to say so, wish to redistribute a version in any medium to be sold at a profit, would like to contribute or comment on material, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact the author

Home Introductory Physics I Review Problems for Intro Physics I Self-Guided Learning Problems 1 Introductory Physics II Review Problems for Intro Physics II Self-Guided Learning Problems 2
One Page Math Review Mathematics for Introductory Physics Coping With Academic Anxiety and Stress Equations du Jour (Old Intro Physics II) Introductory Physics III
Videos of Physics 53 Lectures Physics 231: Mathematical Methods for Physics Classical Electrodynamics Identities for Electrodynamics Contact About

This page is maintained by Robert G. Brown: rgb@phy.duke.edu