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Robert G. Brown's Beowulf Page

Things on the site itself that may be of interest to students or philosophers of any age or generation include complete online books of poetry, various support materials for the study of physics, and links related to beowulfery. All materials on this site that are authored by Robert G. Brown are Copyright 2004. The details of their Open Public License (modified) can be viewed here. If you use or enjoy anything at all on this site -- free textbooks, stories, programs, or other resources, consider hitting to help spread the word so others can find it as well. Note, Robert G. Brown is generally either rgb or rgbatduke on many external sites crosslinked here.

My Books:

My Books

Home Top Beowulf Book Intro 2003 Duke Model Helicity Intro to IP Local IP admin Contact About
Zen of Clusters (Intro 2006) wulfware cpu_rate C++ Rant

Beowulf Resources (with abstracts)

This page is devoted to beowulfery and cluster computing. There in an online book on cluster engineering, talks and tutorials, and software packages. You can either click directly to a resource page on the navigation bar above or browse the list below, where each link is accompanied by a short abstract.

I cherish feedback on any of these resources. To initiate a discussion, contact me.

Engineering a Beowulf-Style Compute Cluster

This is a local copy of my online book on beowulf style cluster engineering. It is (and will likely always be) a work in progress, so check the revision number and dates from time to time to see if new material has been added.


Wulfware: A LAN/Cluster/Beowulf Monitoring Suite

Version 2.6.0

Robert G. Brown (rgb)

This is the official website for the Wulfware suite of LAN or cluster monitoring tools. These tools all build from a single source rpm, or alternatively one can build them from the source tarball.

This project has a mailing list here. This is a (currently) very low traffic list devoted to bug reports, development announcements, feature requests and little else.

View this page in Romanian courtesy of azoft
  • xmlsysd -- a daemon that runs on the client to be monitored that provides client statistics on demand via an xinetd or forking daemon socket. The information is wrapped in XML tags that can be parsed or presented on the client side in a variety of ways.
  • libwulf -- a library of functions that support configuring a cluster or LAN for monitoring (using an XML-based cluster description file), managing connections to the cluster nodes or LAN clients automatically, configuring the connections to return minimal information for the quantities being monitored or displayed, and then polling the hosts and extracting their information into a struct for further processing by a user interface (UI) program linked to the library.
  • wulflogger -- a very simple raw-tty (stdout) UI that is suitable for extracting cluster/lan statistics from any of several useful clusters of data. This data can be piped into a file or other applications for post-processing, removing the burden from a programmer of writing an automated UI for managing the connections themselves. Alternatively, it can be used as a template for further UIs.
  • wulfstat -- an ncurses-based (cooked tty) UI that presents LAN or cluster stats in a scrollable display within e.g. an xterm window.
  • wulf2html -- a perl filter that runs behind wulflogger and transforms wulflogger output into a formatted html page that can then be viewed from any browser. wulf2html can be started from chkconfig as a service on a webserver or host that mounts webspace after editing /etc/warewulf/ and /etc/warewulf/wulfhosts to reflect the cluster or LAN to be monitored. This is still a bit experimental.
  • wulfware-doc -- a future latex/pdf documentation set for all of the above, which alas doesn't exist yet. The man pages do exist, and are installed for each package within the package.
  • gwulfstat -- a future or planned piece of vaporware that will someday come to fruition -- a nice, fully featured GUI based on Gtk/Gnome for monitoring a cluster or LAN. Since it doesn't exist I can be lavish with features such as a "panel of lights" display that lets you see the state of a huge cluster at a glance on a high-res display, settable alarms and an alarm messaging system, a remote shell interface that lets you select blocks of nodes or clients by means of a mouse or hostname glob and then run shell commands on all the selected clients at one time, an integrated batch job scheduler with the ability to implement SIMPLE policy schemes, and eating your meatloaf for you. With catsup. Seriously, all of that and more is possible, it just needs the work.
  • wulfwebd -- a future or planned aggregator daemon. This is a daemon that is basically a stripped wulflogger on one side -- goes and connects to an entire cluster and manages all connections for you. It polls the connected clients, collects their raw xmlsysd results, and spits them out on a SINGLE port offered on the daemon side. This daemon (will) exists only to make it possible to drill a hole through a firewall to a single host and retrieve all the information on a cluster or LAN inside. Or, alternatively, within multiple VPNs across IP domain boundaries and so on if you want to do this securely. So you can sit in Boston and monitor your departmental LAN and your research cluster all at the same time right through firewalls in between from a single e.g. wulfstat or gwulfstat session. This will require changes to the libwulf API to support an aggregated connection, probably to a different default port number or connection type via an extension of the cluster defining xml.

Submit bug reports, etc. to

rgb at phy dot duke dot edu


This is the current snapshot of the cpu_rate Microtimer harness and microbenchmark program. I use this program to do quick-and-dirty benchmarks of a variety of systems performance parameters. The timing harness itself is at least modestly advanced -- it uses the CPU cycle counter instead of gettimeofday where possible, for example (on all post-Pentium Intels, post-Athlon AMDs). There are tests for memory performance, "arithmetic" performance, transcendental (savage benchmark) performance. In many cases (specifically those involving vectors and memory) the size of the vectors can be varied and the effects of cache size and hierarchical memory explored.

This version of the code supports the relatively simple and "object-like" addition of code fragments to be timed. There is a fairly long list of operations and fragments it already times (enter "cpu_rate -l" to get a current list). It is in beta mode and may have bugs. There may well be better timers out there (e.g. lmbench) only perhaps. not so easy to use.

Because of the nature of this program I recommend that you grab the tarball and work with it rather than simply build/install either the source rpm or the provided (RH 9) binary rpm. The latter "should work", but part of the fun of a benchmark/timer is playing with build options and seeing how it works. There are also some (probably broken in the current release) scripts in the source directory that in previous versions scanned e.g. across the -s size option for the vector benchmarks; these scripts, with a bit of repair, would make it pretty easy to generate a graphable file of e.g. stream or memory read/write with and without random shuffling.

I hope that you find cpu_rate useful.

A Model for Cluster Computing at Duke

This is a white paper on how Duke might economically set up a "public" or "shared" cluster compute environment here without offending the Gods (the granting agencies that might participate) and in a maximally inexpensive and cost-beneficial manner.

Note Well: This is a Request for Comments only; please return comments and corrections to rgb for encorporation into what I hope to be a dynamic document associated with a project, rather than a static prescription that may, in fact, be heavily flawed.

An Introduction to the Beowulf Design

This is a reasonably complete (some would say overcomplete:-) rendition of a standard introduction to beowulfery, developed from previous talks on the same subject I've given. As is frequently the case with talks, the pdf and ps images are likely to be "prettier" than the online version -- I haven't quite gotten a perfect latex2html-compatible talk style set up yet.

Zen and the Art of Beowulf Clusters

Zen and the Art of Beowulf Clusters

by Robert G. Brown (rgb)

This is a 2006 update of my standard beowulf intro talk, with a Zen twist. It was last presented to the Science Club of Durham Technical Institute on 11/7/06, and is being posted so they (and you, if you are reading this) can access it to look over the content and linked resources.

Good luck! Feel free to contact me with e.g. bug reports or problems.

The Critical Scaling of the Helicity Modulus of the O(3) classical Heisenberg Ferromagnet

A presentation to the Duke HPC community on my ongoing research into the critical scaling of the helicity modulus, via Monte Carlo computations carried out on a cluster.

Why I code in C

I can no longer remember where or when I found this while mousing around on the internet, but it is clearly something anyone seriously considering the choice between C and C++ should read before investing their future in one or the other.

Charles L. Hedrick's Introduction to the Administration of an Internet Based Local Network (Copyright 1988 Charles L. Hedrick, see link for original copyright notice).

Truly a classic, this work (and it's companion, next) were my original "online guides" in TCP/IP networking (and networking in general). You'd think they'd be dated, sixteen years later, but of course TCP/IP itself hasn't changed, ethernet hasn't fundamentally changed -- amazingly, these are still some of the best simple introductions available anywhere on or off the net. Thank you, Charles L. Hedrick, whereever you might be!

Charles L. Hedrick's Introduction to the Internet Protocols (Copyright 1987 Charles L. Hedrick, see link for original copyright notice).

The companion work to the local area networking guide above, this work is just incredible. In addition to beautiful and tediously typed tty renditions of TCP, IP and ethernet packets showing most of the relevant details of their headers, this work reviews ports, RFC's, and more.

Home Top Beowulf Book Intro 2003 Duke Model Helicity Intro to IP Local IP admin Contact About
Zen of Clusters (Intro 2006) wulfware cpu_rate C++ Rant

This page is maintained by Robert G. Brown, available at rgb at phy dot duke dot edu. This address is also associated with rgbatduke in e.g. stumbleupon or google code, in case you are looking.