Identities for Electrodynamics
Robert G. Brown
Duke University Physics Department
Durham, NC 27708-0305
Copyright Robert G. Brown, 2025
Identities for Electrodynamics
by Robert G. Brown (rgb)
In order to work electrodynamics problems at the level of Jackson,
Griffiths, or Reitz, Milford and Christy, one must be
fluent in the identities, definitions, and basic methods of vector
differential calculus. However, it is really difficult to
remember, for example, the exact form of the curl in spherical
coordinates, or all six of the critical differential product rules
(needed to facilitate integration by parts).
The sheet provided here is a very terse summary of pretty much
all of the identities and definitions you are likely to need in
intermediate through advanced classical electrodynamics. It is
obviously similar to the tables often placed inside the covers or
appendices of electrodynamics textbooks, but is "removable" and can be
taken with the student or placed on a digital device even when the
textbook is not handy.
Good luck! Feel free to contact me with e.g. bug reports or
problems or, if you find that this sheet is still incomplete, with
suggestions for additions.