Classical Electrodynamics
Robert G. Brown
Duke University Physics Department
Durham, NC 27708-0305
Copyright Robert G. Brown, 2024
Physics 319 Lecture Notes
These lecture notes areprovided for the benefit of my current (fall
2006) Duke Physics Class. Others who discover it online are welcome to
use and peruse it and associated resources online for the purpose of
teaching or learning physics. All other use must conform to the Open Publication License
published on this website.
Note that these notes are derived from J. D. Jackson's Classical
Electrodynamics, 2nd and 3rd editions. However, they are
significantly augmented in certain places, most notably in its
discussion of vector spherical harmonics and Hansen functions, which is
derived from Larry Biedenharn's notes on the subject, and in its
discussion of radiation reaction and both Dirac and Wheeler and Feynman
papers regarding the same.
Feel free to contact me with any errors you might discover,
suggestions, etc. I'm in the process of converting the notes from the
Gaussian units favored in the 2nd edition to the natural units of the
current edition of Jackson, so it is entirely possible that there exist
discrepancies within the notes of order $4\pi$, or spurious factors of
$c$, in addition to garden variety algebraic errors.