Brahma Research

This is the official home page for the Duke University Physics Department's Brahma Beowulf Project. Please feel free to explore this website. There are a number of things on the site itself that may be of use or interest to individuals interested in beowulf-style cluster computing.

This site is maintained by rgb. It and all works linked thereupon authored by Robert G. Brown are Copyright 2003 (or as indicated in the document) and made available through a modified Open Publication License unless superceded by another license directly associated with the document. (Current site version 2.2-1)

Home Clusters Research Users Duke University Physics Department

Research Done at Duke with the Brahma Clusters

Crossreference Table

An entry template is provided for Brahma users wishing to be added to the following table. Please send entries in this format to


Group Area of Physics Name Funding Brief Project Description Research Website
CM-Brown/Ciftan Condensed Matter Physics Robert G. Brown Army Research Office Studies of the critical properties of the O(3) symmetric classical Heisenberg model, focusing on both static and dynamic properties, most recently the Helicity Modulus. Research Projects of the Brown/Ciftan Group
NT-Bass Nuclear and Particle Theory Steffen Bass Department of Energy
Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics
NT-Chandrasekharan Nuclear and Particle Theory Shailesh Chandrasekharan Department of Energy
Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics
Home Clusters Research Users Duke University Physics Department

This page is maintained by Robert G. Brown: