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random_pvm demo/template

Robert G. Brown
Duke University Physics Department
Durham, NC 27708-0305
Copyright Robert G. Brown, 2025


random_pvm is a C source demo/template for generating random numbers using a PVM master/slave program. It is derived from the C source project template also available from rgb's website. It was written for a Cluster World Magazine column, and although it is freely available and GPL'd users are encouraged to subscribe to the magazine to get all sorts of other goodies that come with every issue.

random_pvm actually installs from the tarball ONLY. In most cases a program template I write will create a workable rpm, but it isn't really desireable to install this demo in a rootspace /usr/share/pvm3 directory so although the make targets are there (and might even work, although I doubt it) I advise against messing with them.

To build it, create or change to your source directory (I use $HOME/Src but suit yourself), put random_pvm.tgz there and unpack it:

 tar xvfz random_pvm.tgz

(and it should verbosely unpack).

Change to the random_pvm directory. There is a random_pvm.1 man page there that gives instructions on how to build and install and use the program. (Basically stuff like make, make install, and then running the program.) Remember to start pvm and build a virtual machine (instructions NOT included herein) before trying to run the program, and make sure that the random_pvm_slave program is installed in the appropriate place on all the nodes.

If you have any fundamental trouble getting it working, let me know and I'll try to help you. My email address is rgb@phy.duke.edu.


Document TypeSize (K)Last Modified
random_pvm/random_pvm.tgz 22
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The documents linked from this page are all provided under a modified Gnu License appropriate for the document type (OPL for text, GPL for software/source). Please read the relevant license(s) before redistributing the document(s) in any form -- an explicit agreement with the author is required for certain kinds of for-profit redistributions. In all cases the license makes the documents generally available for unlimited personal use and non-profit distributions (for example, linking or posting copies on a website, distributing paper copies to a class for free or at cost).

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C project template PVM project template LaTeX project template HOWTO project template Latex Manual (online) random_pvm demo/template The yum HOWTO (draft) Yum Article Contact About
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This page is maintained by Robert G. Brown: rgb@phy.duke.edu