Phy 509:
Quantum Nanophysics


Course Description:

Synopsis: Quantum phenomena in nanostructures, emphasizing interference, dimensionality, and electron interactions. Uses recent research topics to introduce fundamental building blocks of the subject, thereby providing in addition a background in solid-state physics. Topics covered may include
Goals: I have two main goals: First, I want to present a subset of the big advances that have occurred recently in this field. Second, in doing so I anticipate that the students will acquire a basic foundation in electronic solid-state physics, from which they can go on to understand many other phenomena in this area.

Level: The course is intended for undergraduate physics majors, as well as graduate students from physics and other departments (hence the 500-level course number). I will assume familiarity with quantum mechanics at the level of Physics 464 (undergraduate QM 1); any quantum mechanics that I need beyond that will be taught in class. I will not assume any background in solid-state physics.

Course materials: I don't know of any textbook that covers this material. Thus I have assembled material from various places-- chapters of texts, review articles, articles in Physics Today and Physics World, etc.

Prof. Harold U. Baranger
Prerequisites: No knowledge of solid state physics is assumed. Quantum mechanics at the undergraduate physics major level is essential, thus Physics 464 or equivalent is a prerequisite.

Assessment (ie. grades):
There are no exams in this class. The grade is based on three components: (1) problem sets, 5-6 in the course of the semester; (2) classroom participation which includes presentation of small group projects at the end of each topic; (3) a final project in which the student writes a paper on a topic similar to those covered in class.

Last modified 8/26/2017 by Harold Baranger