The Journal of Low Temperature Physics publishes original
papers on theoretical and experimental research in low temperature
physics, including "Rapid Communications", regular and review
articles, and occasionally conference proceedings. Rapid
Communications are articles describing theoretical and experimental
research containing results and predictions that are novel,
important, and of immediate interest to the scientific community;
their maximum length should be 10 journal pages, which corresponds to
20,500 characters (including text, text spaces, equations, figures,
and tables). All papers are carefully reviewed, and the Editorial
Board and Policy Committee's objective is to maintain the highest
standards of publication. It is hoped that the journal will appeal on
an international basis to those who wish to see papers on low
temperature physics combined in one publication.
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Manuscripts (Regular articles and Rapid Communications) should be submitted on-line following the instructions given on the website Please connect directly to the site and upload all of your manuscript files by following the instructions given on the screen. Manuscripts will be directed to one of the Editors for the review process.
Authors who should have technical problems with this new submission
procedure, please contact for help by e-mail the three editors
listed below. We will do our best !
For the Americas and
Dr.Neil Sullivan
Editor, Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Department of Physics
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
Fax: (352) 392-3591 [From outside the USA: dial code 001- ]
Telephone: (352) 846-3137
For Europe, Africa and Asia-minor:
Dr. Jukka Pekola
Editor, Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Aalto University, School of Science
P.O.Box 13500,
00076 Aalto, Finland
e-mail: <>
Special Issues (Conference Proceedings) and review articles should be submitted electronically to:
Dr.Paul Leiderer
Editor, Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Department of Physics
University of Konstanz
78457 Konstanz, Germany
Fax: 49 7531 883091
Telephone: 49 7531 883793
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Submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The journal makes no page charges. Reprints are available
to authors, and order forms with the current price schedule are sent by
the Publisher.
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The style of the manuscripts should follow the recommendations made, for example, by the American Institute of Physics. Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the Editors reserve the right to introduce formal changes consistent with the overall style of the journal. This applies to such items as numeration of sections and subsections, numeration of equations and references, footnotes, and citation of equations and references throughout the text.
Illustrations (photographs,
drawings, diagrams, and charts) are to
be numbered in one consecutive series of Arabic numerals. The
captions for illustrations should be typed on a separate page.
Photographs should show high contrast. Captions and indexing of axes on
plots should be large enough to be easily read. This
applies in particular to the inserts.
Colored figures: Colored
figures are accepted, and will be published as submitted "on-line"at no
charge. On the figure caption, the authors should note: (Color
on-line). Unless the authors make extra arrangements for payment
of colored figures in the paper version, the figures originally in
color will be printed "grey shaded".
Tables should have an explanatory title and should be numbered and referred to by number in the text. Each table should be typed on a separate page.
References should be made by
using superscript Arabic numerals,
and the full references should be given in a list at the end of the
paper. For maximum clarity, abbreviations should be avoided in the
references. Whenever a book is cited, the number of the relevant
chapter should be given.
Manuscripts must be typed with double spacing in a one-column format and include an abstract. The text should be prepared using a RevTeX , LaTeX or MS WORD style file. The authors will be notified by the publisher when a manuscript has been accepted, and will be asked to send electronically
1) the final version of the paper including: the RevTeX , LaTeX or MS WORD file for the text and.eps andAuthors intending to submit an article for "Rapid
Communications" should contact one of the Editors for information on
the format and maximum number of pages. Authors of articles in
Conference Proceedings and in Special issues will get the information
on format and submission procedure from the Guest-editor of the
Proceedings or Special issue. Just as for "regular" manuscripts and
articles, both the TeX or MS
WORD files and the .pdf should be sent to the Editor or
Guest-editor of the Conference Proceedings.
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The Transfer of Copyright and the ordering of reprints from Sheridan will be dealt with in a form sent electronically by Springer once the paper has been accepted for publication.
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