Introductory Super-K Info

Introduction to Super-K

This page will contain various info and links useful for students beginning work on Super-K.

Mini-talk Slides and Other Background Info

Slides from Spring 2005

Slides 01/31/06: first introduction to Super-K data

Slides 02/06/06: Super-K physics I: neutrino oscillations

Slides 02/13/06: Super-K physics II: beam experiments

Slides 03/06/06: Super-K physics III: measuring the matrix

Slides 03/27/06: The SuperNova Early Warning System

Super-K technical paper with all the Super-K I details

A reading list for serious students


Tips for getting started on the Duke physics Linux machines.

If you are unfamiliar with programming (or Fortran), here is a Fortran tutorial it may be helpful to go through (check out these notes before trying it here at Duke.) Fortran is not the most modern language (I recommend next learning C++), but a lot of existing SK software is written in Fortran, and this tutorial will help develop some basic programming concepts.

A first superscan tutorial

A first Super-K code example

Super-K code example 2: making histograms

Super-K code example 3: making ntuples

Super-K Monte Carlo example: detector simulation

Super-K code exercise: making a Monte Carlo tuning sample

Other How-tos

How to make decent-looking plots

How-to for using the SK CVS repository

How to write ZBS events to an output file

How to access OD info

How to specify multiple files with a wildcard for an rflist script

Software Tools

Various tools you'll likely need:

Other Useful Info