Dr. Brown Phy53 Lect. 11:40-12:55 9 September 2010 two force laws ... friction and drag 1st -- motion in accel frame: in rocket stand on scale [use N2 -- no need for psuedo force ; 1D] in rail car w/ hanging mass ; 2D friction -- atomic view of matter -- dipole/weak bond between two surfaces -- "sticky"; zoom in on surface = rough break weak bonds and "lift" enough to slide static friction F_s <:= \mu_s N once moving kinetic friction F_k = \mu_k N opposes relative motion of surfaces inclined plane w/ friction \theta_max drag forces -- spherical object in "fluid" -- moving molecules...pressure; no net force when at rest -- but when moving with some velocity -- pressure bigger on side toward which 'tis moving -- opposes motion for slow moving, laminar flow, round ...objects; F_d = -b v^n [b=drag coefficient, n=index ~1 when slow ..~2 when fast; we will use 1 !] problem -- dropping UNC ram from helicopter into large bucket of Duke blue paint => linear, first order, inhomogenous ODE -- exponential...seperable [terminal velocity]