Phys 53 Lecture 2 Sep 2010 Dr. Robert Brown Earl ;( limit defns in 2D newt's laws in shorter notation 1. inertia if F_ = 0 then v = const 2. F = ma 3. reaction [note -- rob forgot lighting rule -- board lights!] laws of nature 1. strong nuclear only in nucleus, 10^-15 m 2. Electromag (us!) 3. weak (only in nucleons) 4. grav force rules 1. grav near surface of earth \vec{F}_g = -mg \hat{y} g approx 10 m/s^2 demos -- spring SHO -- pend (bowling ball) 2. hooke's 3. normal (constraint force -- w/in common sense limits) 4. tension (another constraint force 5. friction, drag now to apply ... prob 1 drop ball , m off duke chapel 1. draw pic 2. decorate (forces, ... 3. 4. 5. 6. prob 2 cannonball , 2D proj. motion