Galaxies & Cosmology winter trimester  2010-2011
 syllabus   &  course expectations

safety, tardy, classroom computer use, and honesty

Universe/publisher link:  register as a student to use the resources

 Astronomy Picture of the Day        the latest astrophysics discoveries
  what's up in the 
sky this week

January 31
February 1
February 2
February 3
February 4

make sure that you have your WHITE book
(always done before class)

25(3, 4) 

the last two sections in
the quasar section...

bring questions!

25(5)  again

know how what we see depends on the view

how does the spectrum that we get depend on the view
the GREEN handout on radio-quiet and radio-loud AGNs
(plus, of course, your knowledge gained from reading chapter 25)

22(4) on gamma-ray bursts

a Scientific American article on gamma-ray bursts (with better color pictures)

the beginning of the beginning:
the Big Bang

26(3, 4)

things you should know the
answer to before coming to class

have you a project?

have you talked to me
about it?

write up a half-page or so description of what you intend to do and, most importantly, what observational data you need to have

for the AGN model

(write down some observations as a function of viewing angle)

what observational features should we see as a function of the direction we look?
for example.... one very obvious thing YOU need to explain is why we would see broad lines at one angle and narrow lines at a different angle (that's one observational feature that they gave you, although they left it up to you to explain why)

for gamma-ray bursts

(bring 2 columns of notes)

what are the observational properties of the two types of gamma-ray bursts?

what is out model for each type?

how did we get from the observations to the models?

left overs on gamma-ray bursts from yesterday
(block D is very behind)

new stuff?

what are the
3 pieces of observational evidence that a Big Bang
(common origin; hot dense epoch of the universe)?

(we have actually talked about the three pieces throughout both trimesters!)

how/why does each piece of evidence point to a Big Bang?

when did the universe change from opaque to transparent?

what caused the change?

at what temperature (based on what we did last september) should this transition take place?

why is the book trying to palm off a different temperature on us?

since the universe is opaque at times earlier than this, can we see back before then?
or why not?

(written assignments
to be turned in)

1) use dimensional
analysis to find the
"classical" electron
scattering radius
(it's dependent on
ke, e, c, and me)....
follow the procedure you
were instructed to earlier
in the trimester (that not
everyone did).... you will
end up with 4 equations in
4 unknowns (w,x,y,z) and
THEN solve the
equations... (i.e., do not
just announce the

2) then substitute the
numerical values of the
constants to find the
numerical value of re

(make sure that it's

3) then go back to the net
force equation that we
wrote in class and rewrite
it and put in all constants
to arrive at the eddington
limit luminosity (which
must be put in the form in
the text)

NOTE: you wont get the
book's answer.... because
there are two things i left
out (block C knows about
1 and maybe even 2;
block D knows about
neither, so their answer
will about 4000x smaller
than the book's)

coming attractions:

prove that the universe's stars  could not have possibly have converted anywhere near 28% of the universe's matter into helium during its entire lifetime.

the galaxy's luminosity is 1037 W

its mass is 4 x 1041 kg

you know the efficiency of the H -> He reaction

and you know the age of the universe
web stuff


of the week

Hubble finds the most
distant galaxy ever seen

Kepler finds 1285 (possible) extrasolar planets

from the Kepler web site:
Kepler mission has discovered its first Earth-size planet candidates and its first candidates in the habitable zone, a region where liquid water could exist on a planet's surface. Five of the potential planets are near Earth-size and orbit in the habitable zone of smaller, cooler stars than our sun.

Teenagers, Friends, and Bad Decisions

January 24
January 25
January 26
January 27
January 28

you MUST have your WHITE Astrophysics book
with you in class

new seats!
new table partners!

you MUST have your WHITE Astrophysics book
with you in class

TODAY....if you've lost yours, photocopy the last few pages of someone else!!!!

you MUST have your WHITE Astrophysics book
with you in class

jit due by 9 am today....
questions are a review of much of the early part of first trimester

(always done before class)

end of 26(6) on dark-energy cosmologies, if you have a chance

end of 26(6) on dark-energy cosmologie (if you didnt do it for yesterday's class)

 choosing between different universes based upon the latest observations

(although answers to JIT should be able to be done without any reading.... i still want you to read that section)

breaking news....
see below
25(5,6) which includes the model explaining everything AND the single equation in this chapter AND details about the energy source

block C: prepare for lockdown

questions you should know the answer to before coming to class

now that you have the 2 equations that describe general-realtivity cosmology,
you can answer the following (some of which we have already done in class):

a) where is the "line" describing all newtonian cosmologies?
what does it mean to be above the line?
below the line?
where is a flat universe (still newtonian)?
where is an empty universe?

b) where is the line describing a flat (zero curvature) universe?
what does it mean to be above the line?
below the line?

c) where is the line describing a zero acceleration universe?
what does it mean to be above the line?
below the line?

(written assignments
to be turned in)

begin finding a final project

the power-law dependence of L on velocity dispersion (using data we collected in class last friday)

web stuff


of the week

To Really Learn, Quit Studying and Take a Test

does college make you smarter?
(why students learn so little in their first year)

oldest galaxy found
z = 10 ?!
(again?  didnt this just happen last week?)

January 17
January 18
January 19
January 20
January 21

a question whose answer EVERYONE can bring to class today:
write the equation that relates the observed redshift of an object to its age (after the bang) at the time it emitted the light that is just now reaching us
(for FLAT universes only, alas)....

the equation will have only z (redshift) and t (age) plus numbers

bring computers to class; we are using ds9 for a lab

JIT on supermassive black holes due by midnight wednesday...

the JIT has 4 questions; you MUST do the FIRST TWO, and ONE of the last two

extended weekend

faculty have classes
(always done before class)

from the AAS meeting:

most distant galaxy cluster identified

possible missing link between young and old galaxies?

the largest galaxy clusters and the most frigid objects in the universe

what is the time of the earliest star formation (after the bang) mentioned in any of these articles?

do galaxies exist at these times?

which theory of galaxy formation (ELS or SZ) do these discoveries provide support for?  how specifically?

from the AAS meeting:

surprise: dwarf galaxy harbors SMBH

Hole's on First?: black hole formation precedes galaxy formation

Galaxy - Black Hole connection article in moodle

questions you should know the answer to before coming to class

see questions in this color above about the articles

review very carefully what we did last Friday! 

make sure that your r-vs-t graph (which applies to any SC of galaxies) is well-labeled for the two kinds of universes we can write the r(t) equation (that would be flat and empty) and make sure that you know where closed and open universes (which can have various r(t) curves, depending on what?) curves lie

(written assignments
to be turned in)

web stuff

video of stars' motion around Milky Way's SMBH

video of how the Milky Way shredded the Canis Major dwarf


discover-everything-you-can about galaxies due by 9 pm

galaxy classification lab:

GEARS multi-wavelength galaxy images
(server in georgia)

selected multi-wavelength galaxy images
(server at duke)

HI observations

uv observations

dust observations

of the week

when was the last time you read  an opinion column on the state of the universe?

America cedes leadership in particle physics with unexpected shutdown of Fermilab Tevatron

just what you always wanted?: classes with no teachers

January 10
January 11
January 12
January 13
January 14

due to snow cancellation,
all jits need to be re-done by 5 pm.... see email i sent you early this morning for guidance on minimum expectations

also, the list of shows-and-tells is taped to my door.... i actually think are mistakes, some please come personally and check today (because grades are due tomorrow)
bring lab book and your computer....
we do a new lab on galaxy collisions

(always done before class)
now that we can see back (with Hubble) to hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang, how do galaxies then look different than galaxies now?  is the ELS theory still viable?: 24(9)

what is the role of environment?: 24(7)

a one-day's lecture from the University of Washington from a junior-level course on galaxies and cosmology: can you fill in the missing blanks?

for the jit, two hubble links:
from 1994
from 2010

(although the complete HDF-HUDF link set is here)

23(6) [especially block D which is likely to have a show-and-tell on it.... maybe block C will, too]

also, I believe i have now assigned ALL of chapter 24: have you read all the parts?

questions you should know the answer to before coming to class
questions for block D
(who is still a bit behind block C):

a) where are the remnants of the first generation of stars (the Population III one, with absolutely no metals)?
i.e., what stellar evolution phases are they now in and shouldnt we see at least some of them?

b) what things in the galaxy did NOT collapse to a disk in the first few billion years of the galaxy's history?
and why didnt they?
(i.e., what 3 different "objects" in our galaxy are still in a spherical, halo-like distribution?)

for both blocks C and D:
who won the Shapley-Curtis debate?  why? on what observational data did each side try to base  their arguments? 

do we have evidence that one galaxy type (E or S) evolves into the other type?  if so, what?

for block C:
the elliptical galaxies as a group have a big range in properties..... what would a graph of number of E's as a function of mass look like? and how would we get such data?

environmental effects on galaxies

the first generation
of stars
where are they now?

quantitative galaxy evolution with time

what are the different kinds of universes, and what are their properties ( the book gives you 3 distinctly different properties about each universe)?

I believe we now have directly correlated density with destiny (because of what we did in class yesterday),
for Newtonion cosmologies....

section 26(6)  -- particularly the table at the bottom of page 706 --  leads us to believe that each is correlated with geometry.... but we have yet to prove that

section 26(6) includes both newtonian cosmologies and dark-energy (non-newtonian) cosmologies.... please separate them (and their behaviors and consequences) in your mind

(written assignments
to be turned in)

web stuff

.... and in other news ....

block D might know why this might be  relevant.... block C doesnt

big changes ahead in AP Bio and History exams

after reading 24(1-2):

transcript of the
Shapley-Curtis debate

"color commentary" on the Shapley-Curtis debate

ongoing galactic cannibalism:
the Canis Major dwarf
the Sagittarius dwarf

i will likely be at school sunday afternoon if you want to get more work done on your "galaxy discovery" lab.... and why am in not likely to give you more time in class?????

on galaxy collisions, cannibalism, mergers, and acquisitions:


Galaxy Zoo Merger

galaxies discovery lab due monday: you have had enough thought and data collection time for this to be your most outstanding effort of the year
of the week

prepare for a huge week of astronomical discovery starts today.... why?

new subatomic particle could  help explain the mystery of dark matter

plasma jets pump #?$% into sun's corona

 this just in: Pope Benedict XVI: "the universe is no fluke"

so if 10-year-old canadians can discover a supernova, (and the 254th discovered by amateurs last year) why hasn't anyone in our class? 
do SN discoveries decrease or increase around holiday times?

NASA announces "first rocky planet"

Planck announces a previously undiscovered population of galaxies 12 billion years in the past
surprise: dwarf galaxy harbors SMBH

most distant galaxy cluster identified

possiblemissing link between young and old galaxies?

punystars pack big punch

why don't  exoplanets match astronomers expectations?  dispatches from the American Astronomical Society meeting

the largest galaxy clusters and the most frigid objects in the universe

Chandra observes torrent of star formation in starburst galaxy M82

new rocky planet: small but tough

in deep galaxy survey, Hubble astronomers get a boost from gravity

Hole's on First?: black hole formation precedes galaxy formation

space oddity discovered in Galaxy Zoo activity by high school teacher
January 3
January 4
January 5
January 6
January 7

(always done before class)
have you finished reading all of the black hole chapter?

22(6, 7, and 8)

section 22(9) is unbridled speculation

and box 22(3) is just silly
the start of galaxies:
the big question is whether the type of galaxy (spiral, elliptical, other) is determined by
nature (i.e., genes)
nurture (i.e., envrionment)
evolution (i.e., age)

it will take us a while to answer that question fully, as it did for us to answer that same question about stars...
but keep that big question in your mind as you read over the coming week

believe it or not, i have already assigned 23(1,2,3, and 4) previously in the course(s).... but what is the change that you remember any of this?

so re-read (review?) these sections with a particular eye toward "what was the galaxy like when it was young"?
(knowing this will help answer the big question above)

in particular, what properties do the oldest stars have in comparison to the youngest stars?
you should know three very different properties of these two populations (old vs. young) in OUR galaxy after doing the reading!

yes, that means bring a list of these property differences to class!
block C:

is reading section 24((3)
[and also sections 24((1,2) very quickly because these give a nice historical context]  about galaxies, in particular spirals and ellipticals to see if we can learn anything about them that would shine a light on galactic evolution, particularly in regards to our (the ELS) model of galactic formation that explained the 4 "fossil" properties that we (actually you) listed in class yesterday

block D is doing what block C did yesterday because yesterday they spent the entire class of daniel's show and tell
block D might want to be reading ahead (i.e., see the sections above)  and kill 2 birds with one stone today
block D is still is a day behind (which is ok.... they know more about the Gem of General Relativity) but it would be great if they could catch up to where block C is in galaxies:
section 24(3)
[and also sections 24(1,2)
(see yesterday)

questions you should know the answer to before coming to class

review the effects near compact masses that we have already talked about (and how we "discovered" them):

bending of space;
slowing of time;
redshift of escaping light

table-top relativity experiments

mostly for block D, because block C learned most of this in a show/tell:

how are gravitational waves
(hint: how are light waves -- electromagnetic waves produced and detected?

blocks C and D were each supposed to think about something from yesterday's class for today... presumably you remember what it was

(written assignments
to be turned in)

block D, bring to class:
calculate how close you would have to be to a the schwarzschild radius of a black hole (i.e., robs/rs) in order to watch the entire evolution of a sun-like star over lunch

web stuff
how does it look
too close to a black hole?

virtual trips to black holes and neutron stars

Falling into a Black Hole

evidence for a spinning black hole

Laser Interferometer 
Gravitational-Wave Observatory
your tax dollars at work

what a gravitational wave does to a mass


of the week
 first test of possible other universes?

new year's crab nebula gamma-ray outbursts shock astronomers

new white-dwarf binary pairs found: future type Ia supernovas?

numbers of stars in the universe goes up by 3x?

cost overruns and mismanagement doom Dark Energy Telescope?

pages for december 2010
pages for november 2010
pages for october 2010
pages for september 2010 
pages for august 2010