Physics 313 Course Syllabus

Fall Semester, 2008

Professor Henry Greenside     (919) 660-2548     Physics 097

Welcome       Prerequisites       Time and Place       Office Hours       Computer Accounts       Grading       References


Welcome to Physics 313, an interdisciplinary graduate course whose goal is to survey some recent advances in nonlinear and complex systems and to prepare students for research on related topics. While the introductory course Physics 213 emphasizes ``small'' low-dimensional dynamical systems that vary in time (e.g., a driven damped nonlinear pendulum), Physics 313 extends these ideas to ``large'' or strongly driven high-dimensional systems for which spatial structure or network connectivity is now important. The courses 213 and 313 together provide a good preparation for those students who will be doing research related to Duke's Center for Nonlinear and Complex Systems.

The topics discussed in this course differ from year to year with the instructor. This year (2008), the course will follow closely chapters in a forthcoming textbook Pattern Formation and Dynamics of Nonequilibrium Systems by M. Cross and H. Greenside, and will also discuss some of the science and mathematics associated with networks. Some goals of the course will be the following:

  1. To study some experiments that represent significant broadly applicable insights about pattern formation and spatiotemporal dynamics. We will discuss experiments on fluid systems, chemical reaction-diffusion systems and excitable media such as heart tissue.

  2. To learn some mathematical theory and techniques for analyzing pattern-forming systems: linear stability methods, amplitude equations, Lyapunov spectra, and correlation functions.

  3. To study the derivation and analysis of simplified mathematical models (partial differential equations and coupled map lattices) that help to develop intuition and to make quantitative predictions concerning pattern formation.

  4. To understand some of the recent advances in understanding networks: their empirical structure and how the structure of a network affects the overall dynamics when the nodes are dynamical systems.


Students should have taken Physics 213 or an equivalent introductory upper-level undergraduate course on nonlinear dynamics. Students should have a working knowledge of the following concepts: multivariable Taylor series, phase space, maps, flows, dissipation, attractors (including limit cycles, tori, and strange attractors), basins of attraction, fixed points, linear stability of a fixed point, Fourier analysis, power spectra, Lyapunov exponents, fractal dimensions, and the elementary bifurcations (Hopf, saddle-node, transcritical, pitchfork, supercritical, and subcritical). Although some of these concepts will be reviewed in class as needed, the review will usually be brief.

Occasionally you will need to run (and perhaps to modify) simple computer programs in Mathematica or a similar high-level language.

Please talk with me at the beginning of the semester if you have any questions about whether your background is adequate for Physics 313.

Time and Place

The class will meet Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1:15-2:30  in Physics 205.

Changes in the class schedule will be posted on the Announcements section of the 313 home page, which you should bookmark and look at before each class.

Office Hours

I will have no fixed office hours for this course. However, I will make my best effort to meet with you if you have any questions at all about the course (or more generally about physics or about Duke of if you would just like to chat). If you are in the Physics building, please drop by my office Physics 097 and say hi.

To set up a meeting, you can send e-mail to the address or call me at my office number 660-2548.

Feel free to send me e-mail at any time. I am often logged on in the evenings and on the weekends and will be glad to discuss the course or homework with you.

Computer Accounts

Students taking the course will need a computer account at Duke and a computer that can access the Internet with a browser that can display most video formats (for example MPEG, Quicktime, and flash) and that can run Java applications. They will also need to run a computer mathematics environment like Mathematica or Matlab.

Lectures and homework assignments will be available respectively through the URLs Lectures and Assignments while class-related files such as data sets, computer code, and multimedia will be made available through the the Miscellaneous Files link from the 313 home page. Copyrighted restricted files will be available through the URL Protected Files.


The final grade for the course will be based on your class participation, homework assignments, a midterm exam, and a final project. These will be weighted approximately as follows:

Activity Percent of Total Grade
Class participation 15%
Homeworks 45%
Midterm exam 20%
Final project (oral presentation and paper) 20%

There is no final examination.

As is appropriate for a 300-level research seminar, the emphasis will be on discussion and critical thinking rather than the lecture-homework-exam format of an undergraduate class. Given this, your active class participation throughout the semester will be essential. You will occasionally be asked to go to the blackboard to sketch or to work out some argument, you will be challenged in class to defend your thinking by appropriate reasoning or by references to material covered in the lectures and reading.

I expect all members of the class to read and to think about the assigned material before lecture and to come prepared to ask questions and to discuss the material in class. If you don't understand something during lecture or from the assigned reading, please don't be shy, ask questions! If something catches your interest and you want to learn more, ask questions. Talking with me outside of lecture is also one way to participate in class. I want to see evidence of your actively trying to learn about the course material.

You are allowed to collaborate on the homework assignments (this is realistic, scientists collaborate all the time in research) but as much as possible you should attempt the assignments on your own since you will learn the most that way. Whether or not you collaborate, you must write up your homework on your own, in your own words, and with your own understanding. You must also acknowledge explicitly at the beginning of your homework anyone who gave you substantial help, e.g., classmates, myself, or other people. (Again, scientists usually acknowledge in their published articles colleagues that helped to carry out the research.) Failure to write your homeworks in your own words and failure to acknowledge help when given can lead to severe academic penalties so please play by the rules.

Your main two goals in writing up your homework are to be clear (so that I can understand what you have written) and to demonstrate insight. Writing clearly means using readable handwriting. You should avoid tiny script and avoid trying to cram many sentences and equations onto a single page. Leave plenty of space between symbols and between lines of equations and leave plenty of space between the ending of one homework problem and the beginning of the next. Spread your answer out over many pages if necessary; paper is cheap compared to your time to complete the assignments and compared to my time to grade your assignments.

Demonstrating insight means using complete sentences that explain what you are doing and why (e.g., as you proceed with some mathematical derivation). Cryptic brief answers like ``yes'', ``no'', ``24'', or ``f(x)'' will not be given credit. Your homework must show that you understand how you got your answer and that you appreciate the significance of your answer. A well-written complete answer is one that you will be able to understand yourself a month after you have written the answer, even if you don't remember the original question.

Please pay attention to details as you write your assignments. All symbols should be given names the first time you introduce them, e.g., say ``the momentum p'' or ``the flux F'' instead of just using the symbols p and F. Physical units should be given for any answer that is a physical quantity, e.g., say ``the angular momentum was A=0.02 J-sec'' or ``the angle was µ=0.32 radians.'' Numerical answers should have the minimum number of significant digits that is consistent with the given data. For example, if you have a product or ratio of numbers of which the least accurate number has two significant digits, the final answer should have only two significant digits. Graphs should have their axes clearly labeled by the corresponding variables and by the variables' physical units. Each graph should have a title that explains the graph's purpose. A good way to learn how to write effectively is to imitate the style of published articles, e.g., those published in Physical Review Letters .

If you write a computer program to obtain answers for an assignment, please include a copy of the program with that assignment.

Late homeworks are not accepted. If you think you will not be able to hand in your homework by its due date, please get in touch with me as soon as possible---at least three days before the due date---and explain what the situation is.


About two-thirds of the course will be based on chapters of the book Pattern Formation and Dynamics of Nonequilibrium Systems by Professor Michael Cross of Caltech and by Professor Greenside, which will be published by Cambridge University Press in spring of 2009. Enrolled students can access a PDF version of the book at this protected link. Enrolled students can obtain the login and password from Prof. Greenside.

The following are supplementary references. Easier references are:

The following are more advanced or more specialized references:
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