Duke-related links
Physical Biology of the Cell, 2nd edition
- Cell Biology by the
Numbers by Ron Milo and Rob Phillips.
- Bionumbers,
database of useful biological numbers
- RSCB Protein
Data Bank
- WolframAlpha, powerful
free web program that knows about many physical parameters and
scientific data, that can answer informal questions posed in English,
and that can evaluate complex numerical and symbolic expressions. Look
at the Examples
webpage to get a feeling for how to use WolframAlpha, also take
the tutorial.
- Technical:
- Biophysics
Physical Biology of the Cell, 2e by Rob Phillips, Jane Kondev,
Julie Theriot, and Hernan Garcia (Garland Science,
- Biological
Physics by Philip Nelson (Macmillan Learning, 2013).
- Mechanics
of the Cell, 2e by David Boal (Cambridge University Press,
- The
Molecules of Life: Physical and Chemical Principles by John
Kuriyan, Boyana Konforti, and David Wemmer (Garland Science,
- Living
at Micro Scale: The Unexpected Physics of Being Small by David
Dusenbery (Harvard U. Press, 2011).
- An
Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological
Circuits (2nd edition) by Uri Alon (2019)
Comparative Biomechanics: Life's Physical World, 2e by Steven
Vogel (Princeton University Press 2013)
Biophysics: Searching for Principles by William Bialek. An
advanced graduate-level book but a good place to browse from time to
time if you want a deeper theoretical understanding of
biophysics. (One really can often compute detailed insightful
solutions to sophisticated biophysical models.)
- Statistical physics:
- Biology:
- Molecular
Biology of the Cell, 4th edition by Bruce Alberts et al. Note:
this free reference only allows one to look up topics, not read
consecutive pages.
- Biology
2e, openstax free introductory college-level textbook.
- Developmental
Biology, 11e, S. Gilbert and M. Barresi (Oxford U Press,
2016). There is a
companion website
with supplementary material including many videos.
- Animal
Physiology, 4e R. Hill, G. Wyse, and M. Anderson
(Oxford U. Press, 2016). There is
a companion website.
- Other:
- Less technical, for a general audience:
The news and views sections of Nature, Science, and Physics Today
provide good brief non-technical summaries about recent biophysics
Also, before exploring these journals, look first at the guideline
to Read A Scientific Article.
- Interdisciplinary journals (many areas of science, including biophysics):
- Biophysics-related journals:
- Journals mainly for biologists, includes biophysics articles:
- Journals mainly for physicists, includes biophysics articles.
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