Vol. 131, Nos.1/2

April 2003

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As of September 1st. '02, Dr. Neil S. Sullivan of the University of Florida, has been the new Editor to whom manuscripts from the Americas and Japan should be submitted. Please consult the webpage for submissions. Horst Meyer remains the Editor for Conference Proceedings and Review Articles






Analytic Two-Fluid Description of Unconventional Superconductivity.........................................................1

D. Einzel.

Coherent Cooper Pair Tunneling Through Capacitively-Coupled Superconducting Charge Qubits..............25

T. Kato.

Interplay Between Surface Effects and in the Magnetic Properties in Polycrystalline Superconductors........37

L.V. Belevtsov.

Corrected Sum Rule, Generalized Virial Identity and Elementary Excitation Spectrum of Bose-Einstein Condensates at Any Trapped Atom Number..................................................................................................51

Y-L Ma and S-T Chui.

Selfcharging of Quench Condensed Tritium Films.........................................................................................69

B. Bornschein, J. Bonn, L. Bornschein, E.W. Otten and Ch. Weinheimer.

Magnetic Field Dependent Coherent Polarization Echoes in Glasses..............................................................89

S. Ludwig, P. Nagel, S. Hunklinger and C. Enss.

Collisional Damping and Resonance Behavior of Coupled Scissor Modes of a Bose-Einstein Condensate...113

U. Al Khawaja, H. Bahlouli, S.M. Alamoudi and A. Alsunaidi

Possible Pitfalls in SQUID Magnetometry of Superconducting Samples: The case of RuSr2GdCu2O8........129

T.P. Papageorgiou, L. Bauernfeind and H.F. Braun.

Nucleation of Solid Helium From Liquid Under High Pressure.....................................................................145

H. Maris and F. Caupin.