Vol. 100, Nos. 5/6                                       September 1995




Emerging Issues in Helium Turbulence                                385
C. F. Barenghi, C. J Swanson, and R. J. Donnelly


Linear Response and Instability of Vortex Lattice in Type-II 
Superconductors                                                     415
M. Hayashi
Splitting of the Spectrum of Collective Modes in Helium-3 in the 
Presence of Order-Parameter Textures                                433
M. M. Bukshpun
NMR Study of the Effect of Flow on 3He-B                            441
D. Kruppa, D. F. Brewer, J. Hutchins, and D. Waxman
Adiabatic Expansion of 3He in 4He at Very Low Temperatures          463
A. P. J. Voncken and A. T. A. M. de Waele
Alkali Dimers on the Surface of Liquid Helium                       501
P. B. Lerner, M. W. Cole, and E. Cheng
Vortex-Induced Rectification in Type II Superconductors             515
X Jiang and C. J. Lobb
Experimental Studies of Hydrogen on Boron Nitride: I. Adsorption
Isotherms of HD                                                     535
M. D. Evans and N. S. Sullivan
Experimental Studies of Hydrogen on Boron Nitride: II. NMR Studies
of Orientational Ordering of H2                                     551
M. D. Evans and N. S. Sullivan
Propagating and Stationary Superfluid Turbulent Fronts              575
J. Castiglione, P. J. Murphy, J. T. Tough, F. Hayot,
and Y. Pomeau
Erratum: Quasiclassical Theory of Vortices in 3He-B                 597
M. Fogelstrom and J. Kurkijarvi [J. Low Temp. Phys.
98, 195 (1995)]
Author Index for Volume 100                                         599
Contents of Next Issue                                              601


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