PHY 465: Quantum Mechanics II, Spring 2016
SynopsisThis is an advanced undergraduate course taking a stroll through the world of quantum mechanics. Deepening the understanding of quantum systems, the course also prepares for studies of quantum optics, quantum information, condensed matter, and quantum field theory.Starting from a reminder on the postulates of quantum mechanics and its mathematical basis, we will discuss the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the semi-classical regime (WKB method), approximations for time-dependent problems, treatment and use of symmetries, the theory of angular momentum, and systems of identical particles (fermions and bosons). Nice examples and exercises will be used to illustrate these topics. Depending on the available time we may also cover decoherence, Bell inequalities, and aspects of quantum information theory such as quantum entanglement and quantum algorithms. Some basic knowledge of linear algebra will be needed. Knowledge corresponding to the course PHY 464 (Quantum Mechanics I) will be very useful, but we will try to keep the course as self-contained as possible. Lecture Notes[Are provided on the Sakai site PHYSICS.465.01.Sp16.]HomeworkYou are encouraged to discuss homework assignments with fellow students. However, the written part of the homework must be done individually and cannot be a copy of another student's solution. An exception to that rule is that you are allowed to work in groups of two. In that case, both partners still need to hand in a copy of their solution and should additionally always specify the name of their partner.[Are provided on the Sakai site PHYSICS.465.01.Sp16.] Useful literatureTextbooks on quantum mechanics.