Dec 9, 2009

GOAL:  To measure the luminosity, radius, and temperature of the sun with a wax
                photometer, a meter stick, and standard luminosity source (for comparison).


The basic idea is to place a light bulb (of known luminosity ) and the sun on opposite sides
of a wax photometer (a flux-comparing device) and vary the distance from the photometer
to the bulb until the bulb flux at the photometer matches the solar flux at the photometer.

light bulb


















READING:  Universe 
17(2); how a pinhole camera works (see web page)

:             200-watt OR 150-watt unfrosted light bulb

                                    socket, cord, and clamp

                                    wax photometer ( = 2 slabs of wax separated by opaque foil)

                                    meter stick; fancy transparent rulers

                                    pinhole camera



your lab book will be graded  -- for all observations (with appropriate units and sig
figs) &
any relevant labeled diagrams that go with these -- before leaving the roof

unsafe behavior on the roof will result in a grade of 0 for the entire group

(the sun-earth distance is assumed to be known in this lab and can be looked up.)


1) Clamp the bulb onto something stable, such as the fence around the observing platform.

2) How should the bulb's filament be oriented to the photometer face?  Why? 
How/where should the photometer be oriented relative to the bulb and sun? Why? 
I'm sure your well-labeled diagram will show all....
remember lab journal expectations....

3) a) One partner should be the flux judge and decide where the photometer should be held

such that the sun and bulb have equal fluxes on the two photometer faces.  This person

should then hold the photometer steady at this distance while the other partners insure
proper alignment, measure and record the appropriate data., etc.

b) Repeat steps above until each partner in the group estimates the position of balanced
flux (sun vs. light bulb) at least three times.

4)  Individually (and without consulting with any of your partners) record observations that
YOU make about the colors of the light observed in the two halves of the photometer.  
Of course, this should be done with the bulb on and with the photometer at the distance
such that the fluxes of bulb and sun match.

5) Use the pinhole camera to measure the size of the sun's image as accurately as possible.

Make any other measurements necessary to determine the diameter of the sun in km.



1) Using the average value of your group's measured distances (of balanced solar and bulb

flux), calculate the luminosity of the sun.   Make sure that you start with the condition that
you made happen on the roof. 
In any lab where you are measuring/determining something that has a standard known
value, it is expected that you will compare (% difference) your value to the standard.

2) Explain your (individual) color observations using appropriate laws and standard
temperatures of the light sources.
Both calculations and word explanations are appropriate here, right?


3) Give one excellent reason that would explain why your calculated value of the solar
luminosity could be higher than the accepted value.  Explain convincingly why your calculated
value might be higher than the expected value. Be as quantitative as possible.
('Human errror' never
counts as a good reason for  why an experimental value disagrees
     with an accepted value.)   Better answers always get much better credit.

4) Repeat question 3 with 'higher' replaced by 'lower.' 

Questions 3 and 4 will be graded according to 3 criteria: 
a) importance of the reason offered (i.e., how likely your reason is to produce a significant
    discrepancy between the calculated and the expected answers);
b) correctness of the reason (does it actually result in 'higher' or 'lower' values that you said
     it did?);
c) a convincing explanation for why the effect results in
'higher' or 'lower' values.

5) Mars is about 1.5 times farther away from the sun than Earth.  If you repeated this
    experiment on Mars, how many times farther would you have to hold the photometer
    away from your bulb (as compared to Earth) so that the two sides of the photometer
    were illuminated with equal flux? 
    The answer should NOT depend on  the value of the luminosity of the sun! 

6) Use your measurements (& the distance of the sun) to determine the radius of the sun.
7) Determine the surface temperature of the sun from your measurements.
    (As a general guide, I would think maximum differences between your measurements
    and standard values would be 50%, 15%, and 10%, respectively for L, R, and T.