Some poems from the wonderful collection "Space
   Child's Mother Goose" by Frederick Winsor and Marian
   Parry (Simon and Schuster, 1956). You need to read
   the book since it comes with great illustrations
   that go with the poems.


   Little Bo-Peep
   Has lost her sheep,
   The radar has failed to find them.
   They'll all, face to face,
   Meet in parallel space,
   Preceding their leaders behind them.


   This little pig built a spaceship,
   This little pig paid the bill;
   This little pig made isotopes,
   This little pig ate a pill;
   And this little pig did nothing at all,
   But he's just a little pig still.


   A Follower of Goddard
   And a rising Astrogator
   Were agreed that superthermics
   Was a spatial hot pertater.
   They reached a Super-Nova
   On a bicycle named Beta
   And I'd tell you more about it
   But they fused with all the data.


   Three jolly sailors from Blaydon-on-Tyne
   They went to sea in a bottle by Klein.
   Since the sea was entirely inside the hull
   The scenery seen was exceedingly dull.


   Little Jack Horner
   Sits in a corner
   Extracting cube roots to infinity,
   An assignment for boys
   That will minimize noise
   And produce a more peaceful vicinity.


   Little Miss Muffet
   Sits on her tuffet
   In a nonchalant sort of a way.
   With her force field around her
   The spider, the bounder,
   Is not in the picture today.



   This is the way the Physicist rides:
   a quantum, a quantum, a quantum.
   This is the way the Agronomist rides:
   I plant 'em, I plant 'em, I plant 'em.
   This is the way the Philosopher rides:
   O Plato! O Plato! O Plato!
   This is the way that the Rocketman rides:
   (QUANTUM: The quantum is only a tittle or jot: On a
   little theory hangs a lot.)
